
1. C. W. Brown, The Indian Christians of St. Thomas (Cambridge 1956) parte III
2. L. Brode, Untersuchungen zum Scholienbuch des Theodores bar Konai. Die Ubernahme des Erbes von Theodoros von Mopsuestia in der nestorianischen Kirche (= Gottinger Orientsforschungern, I. Reihe: Syriaca, Bd. 8, Wiesbaden 1975)
3. M. I. Coliba, Cultul Bisericii Nestoriene, orthodoxia 18 (1966) 533-551
4. Dauvillier, Quelques temoigneages littéraires et archéologiques sur la présence et sur le culte des images dans l'ancienne Eglise chaldéenne, Or Syr 1 (1956) 297-304
5. E. Delly, Le Culte des saintes images dans l'Eglise syrienne orientale, Or Syr 1 (1956) 291-296
6. C. Detlef, G. Muller, Die altere Kirchenrechtsliteratur der Persekirche, OC 59 (1975) 47-59
7. R. Duval, Histoire d'Edesse. Politique, religieuse et littéraire (Paris 1891-92, rist. 1975)
8. H. Engberding, Die Literatur der letzten 100 Jahren zur ostsyrischen Liturgie, OCP 3 (1937) 45-48
9. G.B. Howard, The Christians of St. Thomas and their Liturgies (Oxford and London 1864, Gregg reprint 1969)
10. A.A. King, Liturgie d'Antioche. Rite syrien, rite chaldeen (Paris 1966)
11. J. Maclean, W.H. Browne, The Catholicos of the East and his People (London 1892)
12. J. Maclean, The East Syrian or Nestorian Rite. The Evening, Night and Morning Services with the Propria of the Liturgy, as said on the Feast of the Epiphany, from the Gazza of the Library of the Propaganda Fide in Rome. In F.C.Conybeare, Rituale Armenorum, 298-388. Oxford: Clarendon press, 1905.
13. W.F. Macomber, A Theory on the Origins of the Syrian, Maronite and Chaldean Rites, OCP 39 (1937) 235-242.
14. V. Pathikulangara, Indo-Cahldean Liturgy (= Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India, no. 30, Kottayam 1979)
15. V. Pathikulangara, Divine Office in Malabar Liturgy. In EL 88(1974) 131-141.
16. J.B. Segal, Edessa, the Blessed City (Oxford 1970)
17. E. Tisserant, Eastern Christianity in India, (Bombay- Calcutta 1957) Appendix II
18. E. Tisserant, Nestorienne, (église) DTC 11 1ed., 157-323
19. E. Tisserant, Syro-malabare (eglise) DTC 14 2ed., 3089-3162
20. J. Vellian, The Vicissetudes of the Syro-Malabar down the Centuries, in: ID. (ed.), The Malabar Church (= OCA 186, Roma 1970) 9-15
b) Teología:
1. W. de Vries, Die Erklarung aller gottlichen geheiminisse des Nestorianers Johannan Bar Zo'bi, OCP 9 (143) 188-203
2. W. de Vries, Die Sakramentetheologie bei den Nestoianern (= OCA 133, roma 1947)
3. W. de Vries, La théologie sacramentaire chez les Syriens orientaux, OrSyr 4 (1959) 471-494.
4. W. de Vries, Timotheus II: uber die sieben Grunde der kirchlichen Geheminis, OCP 8 (1942) 40-94
5. Mikloshazy, East-Syrian Eucharistic Pneumatology (diss. PUG 1968 = estratto)
6. J.B. Umberg, Die Sakramente in der Chronik con Arbela, SkTh. 49 (1925) 497-515
7. G. Vavanikunnel, Die eucharistische Katechese der Anaphora der Apsotel Mar Addai und Mar Mari in der syro-malabarischen Kirche gestern und heute (= Das ostl. Christentum, n. F. 26, Wurzburg 1976)
c) Libros religiosos:
1. E. Delly, L'édition du Missel chaldéen de 1901, OCP 23 (1957) 159-170
2. W. F. Macomber, A List of the Known manuscripts of the Chaldean Hudra, OCP 36 (1970) 120-134.
3. W. F. Macomber, New Finds of Syriac Manuscripts in the middle East, Zeit, der deut. mongenl. Gesellschaft, Supplementa I (1969) 473-482
4. C. Mousses, les huit éditions du Missel chaldéen, POC 1 (1951) 209-220
5. C. Mousses, Les livres liturgiques de l'église chaldéenne (Beyrouth 1955)
6. C. Mousses, Les missels chaldéens d'après les manuscrits, POC 4 (1954) 26-32
7. J. Mateos, Lelya Sapra (= OCA 156, Rome 1959): Introd. pp. 3-37 passim.
8. P. Podipara, Ritus et libri liturgici syro-malabrici (The-vara 1933)
9. R. Taft, dispense sull'anno liturgico orientale, p. 15
d) Liturgía:
1. (vedi W.F. Macomber, Bibliographies, with notes, on the Alexanderine, Chaldean, and Syrian Eucharistic Liturgies = bibl. molto completa fino al 1969; supplemento nelle dispense di P. Youssef; bibl. in Jammo, pp. 195-200; qui indichiamo solo le opere essenziali, o troppo recenti per trovarsi nella bibl. di Macomber)
2. B. Botte, Les anaphores syriennes orientales, in: Eucharisties d'orient et d'occident, 2(= Lex orandi 47, Paris 1970) 7-24
3. H.W. Codrington, The Chaldean Liturgy, ECQ 2 (1937) 79-83, 138-159, 202-209
4. E. Cutrone, The Anaphora of the Apostles: Implications of the Mar Esa'ya Text, Theological Studies 43 (1973) 624-642.
5. R.J. Galvin, Addai and Mari revisited: The state of the Question, EL 87 (1973) 383-414.
6. S.H, Jammo, La structure de la messe chaldéenne du début jusqu'a l'anaphore. Etude historique (= OCA 207, Roma 1979)
7. S.H, Jammo, Gabriel Qatraya et son commentaire sur la liturgie chaldeene, OCP 32 (1966) p. 39-52.
8. W.F. Macomber, An anaphora Prayer Composed by Theodore of Mopsuestia, Parole d'Orient 6-7 (1975-76) 341-347
9. W. F. Macomber, The Ancient Form of the anaphora of the Apostles, DOP (at press)
10. W. F. Macomber, Concelebration in the East-Syrian Rite, in J. Vellian (ed.), The Malabar Church (= OCA 186, Roma 1970) 17-22
11. W.F. Macomber, A History of the Chaldean Mass, Worship 51 (1977) 107-120
12. W. F. Macomber, the Liturgy of the Word according to the Commentators of the Chaldean Mass, in: The word in the World. Essays in Honor of Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., ed. R.J. Clifford and G.W. Mac Rae (Cambridge Mass. 1973) 179-190
13. W. F. Macomber, the Maronite and Chaldean Versions of the Anaphora of the Apostles, OCP 37 (1971) 55-84
14. W. F. Macomber, The Oldest Known Text of the Anaphora of the Apostles Addai and Mari, OCP 32 (1966) 335-371
15. W. F. Macomber, The Sources for a Study of the Chaldean Mass, Worship 51 (1977) 523-536
16. C. Mousses, La liturgie chaldéenne des apôtres, POC 2 (1952) 125-141
17. G. Nedungatt, The Draft Order of the syro-Malabar Qurbana (1981), (= St. Thomas Academy for rEsearch, Documentation no. 4, Alwaye 1981)
18. T. Parayady, A Communion Service in the East-Syurian Church (diss. PIO 1980) sulla liturgia dei presantificati
19. A. Raes, The Enigma of the Chaldean and Malabar Anaphora of the Apostles, in: J. Vellian (ed.), The Malabar Church (= OCA 186, roma 1970) 1-8
20. A. Raes, An Explanation of the Syro-malabarese Holy Mass (Kottayam 1954)
21. A. Raes, II "Raza" ossia il mistero. Descrizione della messa solenne nel rito siro-malabarese (Roma 1952)
22. Raes, Un rite pénitentiel avant la communion dans les liturgies syriennes, OrSyr 10 (1965) 107-122
23. E.C. Ratcliff, A Note on the Anaphora described in the liturgical homilies of Narsai, in: J.N. Birdsall, R.W. Thomson (ed.), biblical and Patristic Studies in Memory of R.P. Casey (Freiburg 1963) 235-249
24. Rucker, Die die wechselnden Gesangstucke der ostsyrischen Messe, JLW (1921) 61-86
25. J.M. Sanchez Caro, La anafora de Addai y Mari y la anafora meronita Sarrar: intento de reconsturccion de la fuente primitiva comun, OCP 43 (1977) 41-69
26. Spinks, A Note on the Anaphora outlined in Narsai's Homily XXXII, JTS 31 (1980) 82-92
27. Spinks, The Original Form of the Anaphora of the Apsotles: A Suggestion in the light of Maronite Sharar, EL 91 (1977) 146-161
28. R. Taft, On the use of the Bema in the East-syrian Liturgy, Eastern Churches Review 3 (1970) 30-39
29. G. Vavanikundel (ed.) A Study on the Syro-Malabar Liturgy (Changanacherry 1976)
30. J. Vellian, The Anaphoral Structure of Addai and Mari compared to the Berrakoth Preceding the Shema in the Synagogue Moring Service, le Museon 85 (1972) 201-223
31. A Verheul, La prière eucharistique de Addai et Mari, Questions Liturgies 1 (1980) 19-27
32. Webb, La liturgie nestorienne des Apôtres Addai et Mari dans la tradition manuscrite, in: Eucharisties d'orient et d'occident, 2 (= Lex Orandi 47, Paris 1970) 25-49
33. Webb, Variations dans les versions manuscrits de la liturgie nestorienne d'Addai et de Mari, Sacris erudiri 18 (1967-68) 478-523
34. D. Webb, The Versions of the Malabar Liturgy and the Manuscripts, in: J. Vellian (ed.), The Malabar Church, (= OCA 186, Roma 1970) 41-54
35. A.J. Wegman, Pledooi voor een Teskst de anaohora van de Apostelen Addai en Mari, Bijdragen 40 (1970) 15-43
e) Leccionario:
1. Baumstark, Nichtevangelische syrische Perikopenordnungen des ersten Jahrtausends (= LQF 15, Munster 1921)
2. L. Chidiac, G. kkouri-Sarkis, Tableau des pericopes bibliques dans les églises de langue syriaque, Or Syr 3 (1958) 359-386
3. W.F. Macomber, The Chaldean Lectionary System of the Cathedral Church of Kokhe, OCP 33 (1967) 483-516
4. A.J. Vermeulen, Pericopes bibliques des églises de langue syriaque, Or Syr 12 (1967) 211-240, 371-388, 525-548
5. J.-M. Voste, Etude sur le gannat bussame, Revue biblique 37 (1928) 386-419
f) Ritual:
1. Alencherry, The Ordination Ritual of the Chaldean and Malabar Churches, in: J. Vellian (ed.), The Malbar Church (= OCA 186, Roma 1970) 73-86
2. E. Bede-J. Madey, Das Mysterium der tayfe nach dem Ritus der kath. chaldaischen Kirche, Kyrios 11 (1971) 90-111.
3. F. Chirayath, Taufliturgie des syro-malabarischen Kirche mit einem Vorschlag zur Indisierung der Kirchentaufe (diss. Mainz 1979/80)
4. W. de Vries, Zur liturgie der Erwachsenentaufe bei den Nestorianern, OCP 9 (1943) 460-473
5. G. Diettrich, Die nestorianische taufliturgie ins Deutsche ubersetzt und unter Verwetung der neusten handschriftlichen Funde historisch-kritisch erforscht (Giessen 1903)
6. M. Elenjakal, Baptism in the Malabar Church (Bangalore 1974)
7. T.S. Garret, Baptism in theChurch of South India, Scottish Journal of Theology 8 (1955) 385-391
8. E.R. Hambye, Le baptême dans les églises syriennes de l'lndie, OrSyr 1 (1956) 255-266
9. J. Isaac, Taksa d-hussaya ou le rite chaldéen d'absolution (diss. PIO 1970)
10. J. Kapriapuram, The East Syrian Baptism (diss. PIO 1971)
11. V. Lecomte, Ou en est le diaconat? Note sur le diaconat dans l'Eglise chaldéenne aujourd'hui, LMD 66 (1961) 111- 125
12. W.F. Macomber, The Funeral Liturgy of the Chaldean Church, Concilium 2 (1968) 19-22 (anche in italiano, tedasco, francese)
13. J. Madey, G. Vavanckunnel, Taufe, firmung u. Busse in den Kirchen des ostsyrischen Ritenkreis (Eindiedeln 1971)
14. S. Nedumthacady, Tumsa. The Syro-Malabar Funeral Ritual (diss. PIO 1966; estratto, Poona 1976)
15. Raes, Die Taufriten im Orient, LJ 9 (1959) 46-51
16. Raes, Les Ordinations dans le Pontifical Chaldéen, OrSyr 5 (1960) 63-80
17. Raes, Ou se trouve la confirmation dans le rite syro- orientale? OrSyr 1 (1956) 239-254
18. J.Tellini, II Taksa d-Kullala secondo il rito matrimoniale caldeo. una interpretazione liturgico- teologica (testi PIO 1965)
19. J.-G. van Overstraeten, les liturgies nuptiales des églises de langage syriaque et le mystère de l'Eglise- épouse, Parole de l'Orient 8 (1977-78) 235-310
20. J.-M. Voste, La confession chez les nestoriens (note sur le ms. Vat. syr. 505), Angelicum 7 (1930) 17-26
g) Himnografía:
1. H. Husmann, Gesange der syrischen Liturgien, in: K.G. Fellerer (ed.), Geschichte der kathol. Kirchenmusik, I (Kassel-Basel-Tours-London 1972) 69-98
h) Oficio Divino:
1. I.-H. Dalmais, Le thème de la lumière dans l'office du matin des Eglises syriennes-orientales, in: B. Botte et. al., Noël, Epiphanie, retour du Christ (= Lex orandi 40, Paris, Cerf 1967) 257-276
2. J. Gelineau, Donnée liturgiques continues dans les sept madrose "De la nuit" de saint Ephrem, OrSyr 5 (1960) 107-121
3. H. Husmann, Die Melodien des chadaischen Breviers Commune (= OCA 178, Roma 1967)
4. H. Husmann, Die Tonaten der chaldisachen Breviergesange, OCP 35 (1969) 215-248
5. S.H. Jammo, L'office du soir chaldéen au temps de Gabriel Qatraya, OrSyr 12 (1967) 187-210
6. W.F. Macomber, An Interesting Fragment of an East Syrian Festal Hymnary of the Forrteenth (?) Century, OC 57 (1973) 72-78
7. W.F. Macomber, Two unusual Liturgical Cermonies of the Chaldean Rite, in: R.H. Fischer (ed.), A Tribute to A. Voobus (Chicago 1977) 373-378
8. J. Mateos, Leyla-Sapra. Les offices chaldéens de la nuit et du matin (= OCA 156, Rome 1972 2 ed.)
9. J. Mateos, L'office divin chez les Chaldéens, in: Casssien- Botte, Le prière des heures (= Lex orandi 35, Paris 1963) 253-281
10. J. Mateos, L'office paroissial du matin et du soir dans le rite chaldéen, LMD 64 (1960) 65-89
11. J. Mateos, les différentes espèces de vigiles dans le rite chaldéen, OCP 27 (1961) 46-63
12. J. Mateos, les Matines chaldéennes, maronites et syriennes, OCP 26 (1960) 51-73
13. J. Mateos, Un office du minuit chez les chaldéens, OCP 25 (1959) 101-113
14. S. Pudichery, Ramsa. An Analysis and Interpretation of the Chaldean Vespers (Dharmaram 1972)
15. R. Taft, On the use of the Bema in the East-Syrian Liturgy, Eastern Churches Review 3 (1970) 30-39
16. J. Vellian, East Syrian Evening Services (Kottayam 1971)
17. G. Winkler, Das Offiziun am Ende des 4. jahrhunderts und das heutige chaldaische Offizium, ihre strukturellen Zumsammenhange, OstSt 19 (1970) 289-311
i) Textos:
1. G.P. Badger, The Nestorians and their Rituals, vol. 2 (London 1852; rist. Gregg reprint)
2. G.P. Badger, the Syriac Litrugies of the Apostles Mar Adai and Mar Mari Seventy, Mar Theodorus and Mar Nestorius, in use among the Christians of Assyria, formerly called nestorains (= Occasional papers of the Eastern Church Association, n. 7, London, 1975) dai mss.
3. R.H. Connelly, Anonymi acutoris Expositio officiorum ecclesiae Georgio Arbelensi vulgo adiscripta. Accedit Abrahae Bar Lioheh Interpretatio Officiorum. (= CSCO, Script. syri. ser. 2, tt. 91-92).
4. R.H. Connelly, The liturgical Homilies of Narsai, translated into English with an Introduction (= Texts and Studies 8/1, Cambridge 1909).
5. D. Dahane, Liturgie de la Sainte Messe selon le rite chaldéen (Paris 1937)
6. Divine Liturgy (Bangalore 1969)
7. Episcopal Consecration according to the Syro-Malabar Rite (Ernakulum 1970)
8. Gabrielis Qatarensis Bar Lipah Interpretatio officiorum in: S. Jammo, La structure de la messe chaldéenne (= OCA 207, Roma 1979) 29-48 (trad. latina)
9. S. Jammo, G. Sarraf, Divinia Liturgia delgi Apostoli secondo il rito caldeo (roma 1965)
10. P.B. Kadicheeni, The mystery of Baptism. The Text and Transl. of the chapter "On Holy Baptism"... of Timothy II, Nestorial Patriarch (1318-1332)(Bangalore 1980) testo diriaco con trad. inglese
11. Kakahura, An English Version of Rasa of the Syriac Pontifical High-Mass (Verapoly 1924)
12. G. Kandathil, Syro-Malabar Missal. A new English Translation of the Restored Kurbana... (Kulanda, Kerala 1963)
13. Khoraiche, L'explication de tous les mystères divins de Johannan bar Zo'bi selon le ms. Borgianus syriacus 90, Euntes docete 19 (1966) 386-426
14. Liturgie Chaldeene (ciclos., senza luogo o data; la messa con brani del proprio)
15. De liturgie van de heilige Mis volgens de chaldeeuwse ritus (Boxtel 1950)
16. The Liturgy of the Holy Apostles Adai and Mari together with two additional Liturgies... and the Order of Baptism (London 1893; rist. N.Y., AMS Press)
17. Liturgy of the Holy Mass according to the Chaldean Rite (Chicago 1939) (dalla trad. Francese di Dahane)
18. A.J. Maclean, East Syrian Daily Offices. London: Revington, Percival&co., 1894 translated (London 1894) = l'ufficio
19. W.F. Macomber, The Oldest Known Text of the Anaphora of the Apsotles Addai and Mari, OCP 32 (1966) 335-371
20. J. Madey, G. Vavanikunnel, Qurbana. Die eucharististiefeier der Thomaschristen Indeins (Changamacherry-Trivandrum-Paderborn 1968)
21. J. Molitor, Chaldaisches Brevier. Ordinarium des ostsyrischen Stundengebets ubersetzt and erlautert (Dusseldorf : Patmos-Verlag, 1961) = l'ufficio
22. C. Moussess, La messa caldea detta "degli Apostoli" (= Collana "Liturgie orientali" no. 2, roma 1948)
23. Offie chaldeen. Commun de ramcha (S. Remy 1960; ciclos.) = comune dei vespri con brani del proprio
24. K.A. Paul, G. Mooken, The Liturgy of the Holy Apostles Adai and Mari together with the Liturgies of Mar Theodorus and Mar Nestorius and the Order of Baptism (Trichur 1967)
25. "Qurbana". Die heilige Liturgie katholishcer Thomaschristen ostsyrischer Ritus in Indien (Innsbruck 1963)
26. Qurbana. La santa messa secondo il rito malbarese (= Collana "Liturgie orientali" no. 4, Roma 1960)
27. R. Rabban, La messa caldea detta "degli Apostoli" (Roma 1935)
28. Sacra congregazione per la Chiesa orientale, Liturgia siro-malabaresi. Revisione e ristampa del "Messale siro-malabarese" (Roma 1955)
29. ID., Ordo celbrationis "Quddasa" iuxta usum Ecclesiae syro-malabarensis (roma 1959)
30. ID., Ordo persolvendi ritus pontificales iuxta usum Ecclesiae syro-malabarensis (Roma 1958)
31. ID., Supplementum mysteriorum sive proprium missarum de tempore et de sactis iuxta ritus Ecclesiae syro-malbarensis (Roam 1960) = proprio della messa
32. La Santa messa decondo il rito malabarese (Roma 1946)
33. Scher, Traites d'Isaïe docteur et de hnana d'Adiabene sur les martyrs, le vendredi d'or et les rogations, et profession de foi réciter par les évêques avant l'ordination, PO 7/1
34. B.D. Spinks, Addai and Mari-- The anaphora of the Apostles: a Text for Students. With Introduction, Translation, Commenttary (= Grove Liturgical Study 24, Bramcote 1980)
35. J. Vallamattam, The Holy Sacrafice of the Mass according to the Chaldaico-Malabar Liturgy (Kothanangalam, 1957)
36. W.C. van Unnik, Nestorian Questions on the Administration of the Eucharist by iso'yabh IV (Haarlem 1937)